Monday, March 30, 2009

March is on the way out

Good morning. I hope you all had a peaceful weekend. Mine was interesting. I attended a seminar, ate pizza, watched DVD's, and spent time with my daughters. Although still a bit chilly in the big apple, spring is in the air and I'm feeling inspired to push myself, so here's today's message:

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill

Regardless of whatever is going on in your life right now, how about being 10% more optimistic? Optimistic about yourself, other people, the state of the economy, etc. Now remember, it doesn't have to be any more than 10%. How about writing down 5 things that would be different if you were 10% more optimistic? Just spend 5 minutes here, 10 at most. See what happens with your energy. These are challenging times, it IS easier to move into pessimism and despair. It's also a great opportunity to deal with what is...because it is!

Have a great day....Lynne

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