Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Taste of Spring

Hi everyone. Once again, here in the big apple, the sun is shining gloriously, the birds are chirping and the chill of winter is on the way out. What a treat to actually walk down the street without boots and a scarf. The last few days have brought lots to ponder as I spend time talking with people and hearing their concerns and challenges. If anyone reading this is not receiving my newsletter and would like to, please let me know. It offers current and relevant responses to address and move through to the other side of this storm.

In the spirit of coaching and my intention in blogging is to both share my personal "story" and some coaching for readers, here's today's thought.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein

How about, for today, think of one thing that feels difficult to you. Then, stop listening to that voice, just for a moment and have a conversation with yourself. Pretend that someone very dear to you has come to you with this challenge. What would you tell them? How would you support them? Would you do your best to make them feel worse about the situation?

Of course not! You'd go a bit deeper, provide empathy and understanding....

Then, I invite you to think about one thing....just one thing that's an opportunity about the situation. The opportunity could be as simple as learning patience and having faith. You don't have to like it..You just have to see it! "What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve"..Napoleon Hill.

Go believe! Because you can.


Monday, March 30, 2009

March is on the way out

Good morning. I hope you all had a peaceful weekend. Mine was interesting. I attended a seminar, ate pizza, watched DVD's, and spent time with my daughters. Although still a bit chilly in the big apple, spring is in the air and I'm feeling inspired to push myself, so here's today's message:

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill

Regardless of whatever is going on in your life right now, how about being 10% more optimistic? Optimistic about yourself, other people, the state of the economy, etc. Now remember, it doesn't have to be any more than 10%. How about writing down 5 things that would be different if you were 10% more optimistic? Just spend 5 minutes here, 10 at most. See what happens with your energy. These are challenging times, it IS easier to move into pessimism and despair. It's also a great opportunity to deal with what is...because it is!

Have a great day....Lynne

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today's thought...

Hi everyone. I hope you're enjoying the day. Today, the sun is shining brightly over the big apple, and it's so delightful. The warmth of spring is promising and comforting. I met some former colleagues for lunch in the Time Warner building and had my first walk since winter through Central Park. Although the buds still haven't sprung into flowers, the hope was everywhere, on every branch. It got me thinking about the Einstein quote..

“Knowledge points to all that is. Imagination points to all that will be”

What's going on in the world now, be it personal, professional or global provides us with information. Use this "data", about yourself and the world to start imagining. Since, anyone who knows me knows I'll constantly remind you that our human minds are never quiet, it's a perfect time to start imagining how lovely you would like your life to be, and what you'll do to get there. Another wonderful quote, written long ago and in a book called Spiritual Depression, by Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones is..."
"Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself rather than talking to yourself.

So, how's about, just for now, start talking to yourself and speak softly and sweetly.

That's it for now!!! Have a great night!